CLARKSTON Colts are delighted to confirm our AGM will take place later this month.
Parents/guardians and players are invited along on Saturday, May 27, to hear from the committee on a range of topics and share their views on the future of the team.
The meeting will include discussions on our vision for the Colts, how we are continuing to build the club and what members can expect over the course of the next year.
It will also see us formally appoint a new secretary to replace Mark Kirk, who recently stepped down from the position after four years in the role.
The AGM takes place at Clarkston Parish Church's hall (Forrest St, Airdrie ML6 7BE) between 11am and 12pm. Limited parking is available at the back of the hall and out the front. Attendees can also park in the street.
Parking (marked in red) is available both behind and at the front of the church hall (marked in blue) .
For more information, contact any committee member or coach.
2022 Minutes
Meeting Purpose: Annual General Meeting
Meeting Date: 23 April 2022
Meeting Time: 1.00pm
1.0 Club Chairman’s Address
1.1 Gordon Wright (GW) as Chairman opened the meeting and
welcomed all in attendance. It was noted that this is the first
gathering following the extended COVID lockdown where the
club has been unable to have formal meetings/AGM.
1.2 GW gave vote of thanks and appreciate for the work of the
coaches over the passed year as well as giving thanks to former
coach Ian Dunne.
1.3 GW noted that the 2007 team now had use of Caldervale High
School’s grass pitch in Airdrie until the end of the current
2021/22 season and hoped that this could become a permanent
arrangement to avoid our scramble to secure a pitch when we
are drawn at home.
1.4 GW gave update on football kits with discussions ongoing on
possibility of changing from DSN as current supplier to Joma.
Decision is based on lengthy lead in times required by DSN and
fact they are inflexible when it comes to minimum order values
meaning we always have to wait and create a bulk order when
perhaps only a handful of items are required.
1.5 Jack Haugh (JH) as Assistant Coach/Goalkeeper Coach added
that Joma offer potential for a soccer shop online which could
allow parents/family members to order additional kit
independently if they wanted spares or items such as
hats/scarfs as gifts. JH added that using Joma would reduce
wait times and allow new players to be kitted out much quicker.
1.6 GW noted that new training tops will be ordered for the
2014/2015 players (Mini Colts).
1.7 It was agreed that as part of search for new kits for the 2007
team that consideration would be given to having a colour
choice that minimises colour clashes with opponents.
2.0 Club Secretary Comments
2.1 Mark Kirk (MK) as Club Secretary gave a breakdown on player
numbers for the 2007 and more recently established 2014 team
(which is a mixture of 2014 and 2015 players).
2.2 MK made parents/carers in attendance aware that he was also
Child Wellbeing and Protection Officer which is an SYFA
requirement for all youth football teams.
2.3 MK noted his role as Club Player Registration Officer covering
both teams which involves renewal of Club membership
annually as well as team registration with each league and bulk
signing of players which is July/August for the 2007 team and
January for the 2014 team.
3.0 Club Treasurer Comments
3.1 Colin Morrison (CM) as Club Treasurer provided a review of the
accounts. It was noted that the club is currently breaking even
but has endured significant expenses this year establishing
equipment and player kits for both teams.
3.2 CW noted that the club had been successful in securing £1,000
grant in addition to club sponsorship from ‘Diamonds in the
Community’ for £500 and this will see the 2007 players carrying
the DITC logo on the home strips. The £500 would largely offset
the circa £600 costs of the new home kit.
3.3 CW confirmed monthly fees are set at £30 but these will be
reviewed as time progresses.
3.4 CW expects that pitch lets will remain the same for rest of this
season although these are set by North Lanarkshire Council and
it is for them to review annually and update clubs as and when
charges increase. Any let increases will be considered by the
club and monthly fees adjusted where necessary.
4.0 Head Coach Comments
4.1 Scott Murphy (SM) as Head Coach outlined current situation on
player search for outfield players and additional goalkeeper.
4.2 SM noted the good behaviour of the Club’s players and stated
they were a credit to their families.
4.3 SM looking to recruit two additional coaches to bolster numbers
and allow a better balance between player numbers and
coaches for overseeing drills.
4.4 SM looking to bring in Development Plans for each player
focusing on four categories. This exercise would see players
rate themselves within each category then SM will review with
each player in presence of an adult and discuss the differences
between coach/player rating and from here set players their
individual targets.
4.5 SM clarified the intention to play in a 4-3-3 formation albeit this
would be subject to the players available at any time and to suit
the opponents if necessary.
4.6 SM will be rolling out new set piece drill in pre-season.
Coaching sessions will see drills used that replicate game
5.0 Constitution Matters
5.1 It was agreed that the Constitution be amended to reduce the
number of club signatories from four to three to minimise
difficulties recently experienced when transferring from the
former Club Treasurer, Chairman and Secretary.
5.2 It was agreed that arrears allowed under the Constitution be
changed from 1 month to 3 months. At present the Constitution
deems a player to have left the club if more than 1 month behind
on fees however this was considered impractical to manage.
6.0 End of Season Players Day Out
6.1 SM noted that prior to COVID lockdown the club would have had
an end of season player awards event. This was previously
held in the Moir Hall in Airdrie around mid-June. This is
something SM would look at for future years.
6.2 For this first year back to football following COVID lockdown it
was suggested and agreed that a less formal event would be
held on the first Saturday in June 2022 over a 2-hour window
which could include a players versus adults game for the 2007
and 2014 teams. Trophies to be given to selected player
categories for the 2007 including player of the year with the
2014 team players each getting a trophy. This will be looked at
further out with the AGM.
6.3 Marita Oliphant (MO) as Club Committee Member was currently
looking at arranging a Laser Tag event for the 2007 at around
£5/head. This would be around the 28 th May/4 th June 2022.
Suggested that 2007s could then go for McDonalds/Burger King
with parents asked to make £5/head contribution.
7.0 Any Other Competent Business
7.1 David Booth (DB) as former Club Chairman mentioned previous
aspirations club had to encourage senior players to embark on
getting their youth football coaching badges through the SYFA
pathways. This would players an opportunity to continue in
football if interested and create opportunity for former players to
feed back into the club. JH agreed to look into this.
7.2 GW suggested that a sub-committee be established to look at
fundraising opportunities.
7.3 MO explained she was planning to start selling teas/coffees at
the 2007 with profits feeding into the club funds. This was
7.4 CM outlined intention to arrange visit of players to Diamonds in
the Community facility once the new kits have arrived. This will
provide opportunity for our young players to gain an appreciation
of what the charity does and explore interest in helping to
8.0 Next Meeting
8.1 The next AGM will take place around April 2023 as per the
Constitution. This date will be notified through the Clarkston
Colts Facebook page nearer that time.